Dr. LeRoy Poff: Making a Difference Award (2018)

When asked how he could contribute such a great volume of seminal research into stream and river ecology with direct application to conservation of river and stream environments, Dr. Poff modestly attributed it to many of his co-authors. However, he has led many research studies in a variety of areas of hydrology and ecology, as well as applied conservation biology considering real-world constraints and issues. His solo publications are also numerous and equally germane to how to manage water for the conflicting demands of society. His ecological studies address insects, fish, riparian vegetation, and stream communities as a whole. They include serious consideration of sociological and political aspects of river and stream conservation. He was lead author on the publication that resulted in a relatively new environmental flow determination method, Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration (ELOHA). Instream flow practitioners who must assemble a rationale for recommendations will undoubtedly cite Dr. Poff’s publications; they are not only highly relevant, but they are published in the most prestigious scientific journals, thereby adding credibility to the recommendations. The Instream Flow Council is naturally both honored and grateful to present the Making a Difference Award to Dr. LeRoy Poff.

Presented April 25, 2018 in Fort Collins, Colorado at FLOW 2018

Last Updated May 13, 2019