Linking Hydrology and Biology  – Where We Are and a Roadmap to the Future


Round 1

8:30 am
  • Welcome and Introduction
    Thom Hardy, River Systems Institute, Texas State University
  • Defining ecological responses to hydrologic alteration to support regional flow management
    Mary Freeman, US Geological Survey
  • Habitat modeling tools and approaches for site-specific and regional ecological flows and levels: riverine and estuarine applications
    Paul Leonard, Cardno ENTRIX
  • Individual-based models: linking flow regimes and fish populations
    Steve Railsback, Lang, Railsback & Associates
10:00 am          Break
10:30 am          Facilitated Discussion
Noon                 Adjourn


Round 2

1:30 pm
  • Welcome and Introduction
    Thom Hardy, River Systems Institute, Texas State University
  • Defining ecological responses to hydrologic alteration to support regional flow management
    Mary Freeman, US Geological Survey
  • Habitat modeling tools and approaches for site-specific and regional ecological flows and levels: riverine and estuarine applications
    Paul Leonard, Cardno ENTRIX
  • Individual-based models: linking flow regimes and fish populations
    Steve Railsback, Lang, Railsback & Associates
3:00 pm         Break
3:30 pm         Facilitated Discussion
5:00 pm         Adjourn



Mary Freeman is a Research Ecologist with the USGS, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, and has been stationed at Patuxent’s Athens, Georgia field station since 1997. Her research has addressed effects of river regulation, water diversion, land use and environmental variability on stream biota, especially fishes.
Thomas Hardy is the Chief Science Officer of the River Systems Institute, Texas State University and former Associate Director of the Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University. He has been involved in the evolution of instream flow science and emergence of ecohydraulics at the international level over the past 25 years. He remains actively involved in research and applications aimed at preservation of aquatic resources throughout the world.
Paul Leonard, CFS, Technical Director and VP, Water Resources, for Cardno ENTRIX, an international environmental and natural resource management consulting firm. He specializes in environmental flows and levels studies for regulated and unregulated rivers and freshwater inflows to estuaries. Paul has directed projects nationally with complex requirements for agency consultation, regulatory approvals, alternatives analysis, negotiations, mitigation planning, settlement agreements, managing expert panels, and consensus-building. M.S. Virginia Tech, Fisheries Science, Statistics.
Steve Railsback has background in both instream flow management and ecological modeling. He worked on hydropower licensing and instream flow research for Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Pacific Gas and Electric, and is now a research consultant and adjunct professor in the modeling program at Humboldt State University. He focuses on individual-based modeling (including the “inSTREAM” trout model; and co-authored a monograph and a textbook on individual-based ecological modeling.


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Workshop Materials:


Emerging Trends in Environmental Flow Science 66.85 KB 28 downloads

Author(s): Paul M. Leonard CFP Vice President and Technical Director  Water Resources, Cardno ENTRIX, 50...

Poff_etal_2010_eloha_FWB.pdf 548.23 KB 29 downloads


TNC - Final Susquehanna River Ecosystem Flows Study Report 2.00 MB 27 downloads

Report Prepared: November 2010 Author(s): Michele DePhilip, Tara Moberg The Nature Conservancy 2101 N....

Individual-based models: linking flow regimes and fish populations 997.36 KB 28 downloads

Author(s): Steve Railsback; Lang, Railsback & Associates     ...

Individual-based models (Supplemental Slides) 35.70 KB 27 downloads

Author(s): Steve Railsback; Lang, Railsback & Associates     ...


Last Updated May 15, 2019