*The original Center name: the ‘Instream Flow and Water Level Conservation (IFWLC) Training Center’ used in the original Feasibility Assessment Report has been updated to:
National Center for Ecologically Sustainable Water Conservation and Management (Center)

Page Contents:


Project Background

For nearly two decades, interdisciplinary instream flow related conservation (protection, restoration and enhancement) training, research and development services were provided under the direction of the federal Cooperative Instream Flow Service Group (CIFSG) in Fort Collins, Colorado. After that group ceased to exist in 2001, no equivalent centralized uniform source of instream flow and water level conservation (IFWLC) training and support services has been established.

Many who received training by the CIFSG have subsequently retired or moved to other jobs. As a result, this interdisciplinary water conservation field has been losing a central focus, potentially leading to diminished knowledge, mentorship, and leadership for quantifying the effects of water uses, management, and research on effective conservation of instream flow and water levels on fish, wildlife, and habitat. Collectively these services contributed to achievement of ecologically sustainable water conservation and management (integration of anthropogenic and ecological water uses).

These and related concerns are being addressed by the Instream Flow Council (IFC) and American Fisheries Society (AFS) through a Multistate Conservation Grant (MSCG) project to first assess the needs and support for establishing a new IFWLC training, research, and development center (Center), and contingent on positive outcomes of the assessment, develop strategies and pathways forward to establish and operate the Center. 

As part of this process, the IFC and AFS established a steering committee (SC)** to execute this project. The SC is comprised of experts representing governmental, non-governmental, academic, and private sectors with extensive experience in integration of the interdisciplinary development, training, and application of IFWLC methods, and who have remained actively involved in water resource allocation issues.

** MSCG Project Steering Committee:
Tom Annear, Doug Austen, Andy Brummond, Daren Carlisle, Christopher Estes (Chair), Thom Hardy, Allan Locke, Don Orth, Dudley Reiser, and Clair Stalnaker (former member: Dave Weedman)


Center Development Support Resolutions/Letters (Received to Date)

To date, the following organizations have provided letters of support for the Center:

The leadership of these organizations have adopted the following resolutions:

  1. Endorse the goals, objectives, conclusions and recommendations of the final October 2023 IFC/AFS IFWLC Training, Research, and Development Feasibility Assessment Steering Committee (SC) Report
  2. Provide their organizations’ support for the IFC and AFS to pursue development of this Center in accordance with the final report’s goals, objectives, and recommendations; and 
  3. Provide their respective organization’s subject-matter expertise and technical assistance resources (via staff and committees) to assist the Center Project SC to develop the Center as appropriate and practicable.

Additional endorsements are anticipated and will be posted on this site when available.

Center Articles


February 2025 Update

The Center Steering Committee (SC) completed its evaluation of the 9 Center Host and Affiliate RFIQ Stage One applications.

All applicants were deemed qualified to advance to the Request for Proposal (RFP) Stage Two March 12, 2025 Q&A briefing and subsequent Stage Three April 15, 2025 RFP submittal phases.  

Applicants provided the SC permission to share their contact information with the other applicants to enable them to assess whether to continue to advance through the selection stages independently or collectively.  

The SC reminded applicants there will ultimately only be one Center Host selected.  The SC also clarified Center Host candidates have the option to supplement their services by establishing formal partnerships with qualified Affiliates (both prior to and after an applicant is selected as the final Center Host).   

The Center Project was recently extended through December 31, 2025 to provide additional time required to complete the current Host and Affiliates selection processes,  relevant products such as the Business Plan, and other legal instruments required to develop and operate the Center.


January 2025 Update

Nine applicants representing institutions and organizations responded to the November 16, 2024 Stage One Request for Interest & Qualifications (RFIQ) Notice. Seven applied to serve as the Center Host and two as Center Affiliates.

The IFWLC Center Project Steering Committee initiated its review of the application materials to assess which of the applicants will be qualified to advance to the Stages Two and Three Requests for Proposals (RFP) related processes.


December 2024 Update

December 9, 2024  Request for Interest & Qualifications (RFIQ) Stage One Q&A Webinar Recording and Related Materials

The IFC/AFS IFWLC Project Steering Committee hosted a 2-hour Q&A webinar on December 9, 2024 to answer questions from potential Host & Network Affiliate applicants (& other stakeholder attendees) related to the Stage One National Center for Ecologically Sustainable Water Conservation and Management (Center) (RFIQ) process and timeline.


November 2024 Update

IFWLC Business Plan/Candidate Host & Affiliates Selection

A companion IFWLC Center Business Plan for financing and governing the Center is under development and is slated for completion by April 2025*. There is currently no funding to support the future Center at this stage.  Funding sources for the Center are being explored independently of the MSCG project.

The proposed name for the Center included in the Plan is:
National Center for Ecologically Sustainable Water Conservation and Management  (Center)

The Plan will also include a summary list of potential qualified host institutions and organizations that expressed their interest to partner with IFC and AFS to physically host/house and operate this Center (or to serve as a Center Affiliate).

*Project has been extended to December 31, 2025. Business Plan is targeted for completion in November 2025.

November 16, 2024

Notice of Request for Statements of Interest & Qualifications (RFIQ) to host a National Center for Ecologically Sustainable Water Conservation & Management Center (Center)

Application Deadline: JANUARY 21, 2025, 11:59pm Pacific Time (NOW CLOSED)

The RFIQ notice, companion background information, and instructions for the online process and application to apply to be a Center host (or affiliate) were posted online: https://www.instreamflowcouncil.org/training-center-rfiq/.

This notice was also circulated by email to IFC’s mailing distribution from IFC’s President (Jason Persinger) or President-Elect (Andy Brummond), and from members of the MSCG Project SC members to entities who previously requested the SC to alert them.  AFS also posted an announcement with a link to this RFIQ information. 


October 2023 Update

Instream Flow and Water Level Conservation Center Feasibility Report Completed

After extensive engagement, the IFWLC Center Feasibility Assessment Report was completed in October 2023 and established the need, support, strategies, expectations, and pathways forward to develop the Center. This document serves as the guiding document through the next steps of development of the Center.

Weedman, D., D. Austen, T. Annear, D. Carlisle, C. Estes, T. Hardy, A. Locke, D. Orth, D. Reiser, and C. Stalnaker. 2023. Training, research, and development center to support instream flow and water level conservation: Feasibility assessment. Multistate Conservation Grant Project Number F21AP01124, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration. Instream Flow and Water Level Conservation Steering Committee. Instream Flow Council and American Fisheries Society. 78 p. 




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Last Updated February 28, 2025